Science and Biology behind Race 1. In the 18th and 19th centuries race was thought of as a biological concept 2. Most physical anthropologists and biologist have abandoned the quest for scientific basis to determine racial categories III. Race as a Social Concept A. Biological vs. Social Sciences 1. Social sciences have come to reject biological notions of race, instead going with an approach which regards race as more of a social concept 2.…
The idea of race being a social construct is just a way for us to group people based on their characteristics. Unfortunately some people take this too far and somewhere through history this is where racism was developed.…
It makes sense that different races would be given descriptive names according to where most of them originated. If race truly is a social construct does…
Lopez in the reading “The social construction of race” argues that race is socially rather than biological constructed. The importance, content and meaning of racial categories are shaped by social, economic and political processes not by fundamental genetic differences or biological markers. The manner in which we describe, understand and recognize racial categories is connected to larger societal structures and the way in which society is organized. Racial “differences” are significant not because of variations in biology but because of the social meanings subscribed to them at both the micro (between individuals) and macro (involving large scale social systems and institutions) level. Earlier dominant ideology viewed race as being essential,…
The Role of Race In Romantic Attraction to Race in Intercultural Dating Attraction is a popular field of study in psychology. In a mixed society that we exemplify today in America, it is common to see people of multiple races and ethnicities but what influences race and ethnicity have on everyday life such as it pertains to attraction is something that we are still discovering. Looking back in history, interracial communication and living is a new progression. Although the general population may not always consider how races and ethnicities play a role in our procreation and attraction to sexual partners, empirical evidence supports that race effects attraction (McClintock,& Murry, (2010). Observing how race effects attraction, and what effects…
A social construct is an idea or that appears to be natural and obvious to the people who accept it, but may or may not represent reality. This means that it remains largely as an invention of any given society. In our world today many people see race as a social construct but it was once considered a biological process but we know that this is untrue. Through research it has been shown that there is no gene common to all blacks or all whites. If race were to be identified in a genetic way, specific racial classifications for individuals would remain constant across boundaries.…
All throughout time, people have been divided due to their differences. People who see others that are different from them will often immediately decide that they are “weird” and put those people lower than themselves. According to Linda Holtzman and Leon Sharpe in their passage, “Theories and Constructs of Race,” Race is just a social construct made by humans to exclude people based on what they look like, where they are from, their culture, etc. If scientists were to look at someone’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) compared to another person with, say, different colored skin, they would notice that there is not much of a difference between the two people. Therefore, as Holtzman and Sharpe say, “race is constructed socially, culturally, politically,…
Social construction is not as definitive as actual objects and is defined by culture which changes as time goes on, more specifically defined by society’s dominant group. With this definition the basis of race continually changes. When the Africans were first brought to the United States as indentured servants they were considered objects, this definition then changed as they were later considered “free man” as slavery was abolished although his still gave a stigma to the race. As time moved on the African American race was based upon skin color and heritage and less upon the social status. “First, race is a social construct contingent on collective acceptance, agreement, and imposition.…
There are two concepts to race that biological anthropologists debate about. According to Matt Cartmill’s article “The Status of the Race Concept in Physical Anthropology” there are two cases to the concept of race; the case for the race concept and the case against the race concept. The race concept is what we as anthropologists use to define race. Do we use genetics, physical features, or geography to classify race is the debate in this article.…
Many biological and social anthropologists argue race is a cultural construct. We can’t define acts of injustice by examining race as independent of biological/genetic variations. Scholars discovered race didn’t exist in the 17TH century but race originated as a folk idea-it was a social invention, not a product of science. More than 400 years ago in the 1600’s Englishmen came to America seeking fortunes. They planned to overthrow the Indians by enslavement and obtain their wealth.…
Many sociologists describe Race as a social construct, or something that appears to be natural and obvious to people who accept it but it may not be reality. Therefore many sociologists believe that race doesn't actually exist. Though people may see race, its not actually there. This would mean all the things we've ever known about race are completely pointless. Race only exists if people allow it to exist.…
Meaning that there was no single genetic where all Africans have one variant and all Europeans have one. This clearly shows through genetics aren’t able to identify people races based on biological stand points. Race is a socially constructed thing not biological. Starting of scientist crated three races to be able to categorize people. There three races were: Caucasoid people with lighter skin and a fine hair, Negroid people with darker skin and course hair and Mongoloids people with brown or yellow skin and distinctive folds on eyelids.…
What ssociologist mean when they argue that race is a social construction is that race is based on a set myths or stories we tell ourselves to organize reality and and make sense of the world, rather than a fixed biological or natural reality. (Conley pg 322). This resembles the socially constructed notions of childhood and adolescence. One real life example I can use about race as a social construction is how my family always defined Irish people (I'm Irish by the way). My family always told stories of their Irish decedents and how the all have or had "hollow-legs".…
Race is a human invention,race is not based on biology but…
In view of race and ethnicity, race stands for the representation of the color of ones skin and ethnicity stands for the representation of people and their culture. Being that, race and ethnicity represents the persona or characteristics of a person, however each is the dividend for society. Another key point, is the nose diving of politics. To clarify, the Republican National Convention introduces Donald Trump and speaks of stratification on national television. All of a sudden, he's on the side of LGBT, encouraging race relations, and turning United States into a business venture.…