The concept of race is a topic that has not changed much over the many years human have been on this earth. Race by definition is a group of people who share a set of characteristics not always physical characteristics, also it is said that these groups of people share and common bloodline (Conley, 2015). Many sociologists argue that race is a social construction. Social construction is an entity that exists because people behave as though it does exists (Conley, 2015). Social construction states that people act according to the wide scale agreed upon laws and informal standards related to that entity (Conley, 2015). Sociologists feel that race is a social construction because there is no scientifically
The concept of race is a topic that has not changed much over the many years human have been on this earth. Race by definition is a group of people who share a set of characteristics not always physical characteristics, also it is said that these groups of people share and common bloodline (Conley, 2015). Many sociologists argue that race is a social construction. Social construction is an entity that exists because people behave as though it does exists (Conley, 2015). Social construction states that people act according to the wide scale agreed upon laws and informal standards related to that entity (Conley, 2015). Sociologists feel that race is a social construction because there is no scientifically