“ My spirit. This is a new thought. I’m not sure exactly what it means, but it suggests I’m a fighter. In sort of a brave way, it’s not as if I’m never friendly. Okay maybe I don’t go around loving everybody I meet. Maybe my smiles are hard to come by, but I do care for some people” (Collins 121). I feel that with this being said, she has a hard time being friendly and she keeps more to herself. Katniss only cares about a few people, which would be Prim and her mother. Although Katniss didn’t let Peeta get into her head she later on developed a feeling of care for him she even let herself fall in love with him when it all started with independence of how she didn’t need his help and his compliments to make her look good in the appearance with the game makers. With the love Katniss had for Prim, she saw Prim in Rue which made Katniss feel care for her. She remembered Prim in everything Rue did. ‘“Burn it. Dump it in the lake. Soak it in fuel.’ I poke her in the belly, just like I would to Prim” (211). Katniss starts commemorating her sister and the thing she used to do with her, she starts to care for Rue and develop protection just like what she had with …show more content…
Katniss just did her own. But as the “battle” proceeded more towards the end, that’s where Katniss started to develop sympathy for others. Katniss walked into the capitol pretty much hating everyone in it because she felt like they thought they were too good for her. She started realizing that not everyone was like that and that some people were actually concerned about her like Haymitch and Cinna. They wanted to see her succeed. Not only her but Peeta also. Katniss hated Peeta at commence. She swore he was just trying to become the new victor and end her quickly. Katniss and Peeta started developing a love story towards the termination. Peeta was trying to kill Katniss along with the others but he secretly protected her. Katniss went out of her way to go and find Peeta after he was hurt in the leg. She put her life at risk to make sure he was safe. Katniss started to think of everything they’ve gone through including the incident with the bread and his mom and that’s when it hit her. She started to feel compassion towards him that she even ended up falling in love with