Vaccination In Schools

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Colorado Children Required Vaccinations for Schools

Vaccination possesses the ability to expunge specific life threatening diseases that affects people and consequently have killed thousands. Parents will never have to treat their children for these life threatening diseases again once their children are vaccinated. Colorado requires all parents to vaccinate their children; however, in the state law of Colorado, parents are allowed to make exemptions. The fault goes to the parents if their children ever acquire these diseases, but the majority of the children will not become sick. Parents should be required by law to vaccinate their children due to the fact that it will prevent deadly diseases from harming the general public who have not
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The groups that will be impacted are the children, medical staff and resources, people who are not immunized and the parents. The plus of requiring parents to vaccinate their children are: those who are vaccinated will never be infected by these diseases ever again, cause herd immunity which will help stop spreading of the diseases to non-vaccinated people who are allergic to the vaccine, prevent the suffering and hurting of people from these diseases, helps source more money to hospitals, it saves time and money, mostly likely covered my health insurance and prevents any children from missing school if an outbreak were to occur. The downsides to making parents vaccinate their children includes the side effects that some children may get and it infringes on the rights a parents has to their child. More than 5 million people will be saved in the state of Colorado and immune to the diseases that are vaccine-preventable, no necessary medical bills that would cost thousands for a disease that could have been prevented, the prevention of pain for any person who is unvaccinated and infected by these any diseases, and Hospitals get more money and makes them well equipped with the necessary equipment to save people’s lives. On the other hand, the drawback would be some parents who oppose this might rebelling against this law and sue. This will cost the state and parents some money for lawyers. Using Utilitarianism, I have come to the moral conclusion that it’s moral to have the state of Colorado require parents to vaccinate their child for the safety of the Public

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