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Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is a network plan model that disputes for providers of broadband network to be separated completely from any kind of information that is sent through their networks. In real meaning, it is in argument that no amount of information should be considered above the other (Stiegler, 2013). This rule implies that a network that relays information like the internet is most resourceful and of good use to the public when it does not put too much focus on audience of a particular type instead it focuses its attention to multiple users.
A good example can be drawn by taking content providers like the Californian university website and the Verizon website. If neutrality of the net were maintained, both units would have to pay to the provider of network …show more content…
This could in the event trickle down to average user of the web. Ne neutrality on the negative side is seen to do a lot more of harm than good in particular because the technology of the internet changes so fast. Laws that serve as inadequate could actually bar safety practices that are common unless they are excluded specifically and provide an escape for exploits that are unethical.
Net neutrality gives voices that are marginalized a chance to be heard through the open internet otherwise internet service providers can bar speeches that are no popular and prevent voices that are dissident from being able to be clearly expressed. People of different colors will lose an importance platform to debate on matters that affect their wellbeing and communities. Without net neutrality, small business owners will not compete with larger online corporations hence net neutrality is the way to