The thousands of lives that were lost, even before the war ended, was just one reason why the United States wasn’t justified to drop a bomb. According to USHistory,org, the bomb that was dropped by the U.S. in Hiroshima instantly vaporized 70,000 Japanese citizens. …show more content…
still followed through with their plan to unnecessarily bomb Japan. According to Deitrich, “Even if Hiroshima was necessary, the U.S. did not give enough time for word to filter out its devastation before bombing Nagasaki”. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only a few days apart and it didn’t give Japan enough time to prepare for the massacre that was going to occur. “Some military analysts insist that Japan was on its knees and bombing was simply unnecessary”(Decision to Drop the Bomb). If military analysts can say that bombing wasn’t needed and that Japan was on its knees shows the mass destruction and disappointment caused by these bombs. The bombs that were dropped were uncalled for and devastating.
Some may argue that the bombs were justified because “...the United States could not take the risk of allowing Hitler to achieve unilateral possession of “extremely powerful bombs”(The Einstein Letter). If Hitler gained possession of these highly dangerous bombs the world could have been in great danger. Although that is a valid argument, there were other harmless solutions that didn’t result in bombing Japan. The U.S. could have used a more strategic plan that doesn’t result in bombing, to defeat