Essay On If We Dropped The Atomic Bomb Dbq

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The decision to drop an atomic bomb on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, respectively, was, simply put, a foolish, rash, and depraved action that could be classified as a diplomatic blunder, among other things; certainly it could not be seen as either a military necessity or a scientific experiment: for scientists already knew enough about their project to determine the consequences, at least in the short term, such that if the dropping was an experiment, it was the most morally depraved one ever conducted in the history of man; some historians and other contemporary world leaders apparently believed that the bomb would yield diplomatic benefits and impress the Soviets in such a way as to prevent mounting hostilities--almost fifty years of subsequent history attests to this faulty view; and finally it was not so much a military necessity to drop the bombs as it was only necessary to fulfill American war aims of the unconditional surrender of Japan and US domination, not to create peace. First, it is evident that the dropping of two atomic bombs was not a scientific experiment, and if it was, it was wholly unnecessary and degenerate. For the Manhattan Project which developed the bomb had already tested its power in New Mexico, with that infamous quote from a lead contributor to the project, "I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds," attesting to the observed results. Simply put, the researchers and military officers witnessed the awesome power of the bomb there. Yet it was evident to some even before that test the potential for destruction that came with uranium, as noted in Document B by Albert Einstein. In Document D, Truman notes that the bomb "would inflict damage and casualties beyond imagination" after hearing the report on its test. So scientists and politicians already knew the bomb 's capabilities and capacity for widespread destruction in the blink of an eye. The only thing left to test about the bomb would be its effects on the environment and humans. Yet such an experiment would come at a high cost, and the results would not be known for some time. Indeed, an account of the effects of the bomb in Document I bears witness to the fact that scientists did not know fully about the impact of the bomb as the document was only published in 1962, many years after the initial test and actual bombings in 1945. While some may say that this observation speaks to its use being an experiment, nevertheless the bomb 's primary purpose according to those who argued for its use was not scientific in nature. Indeed, the primary justification for the bomb 's use has been either military or diplomatic, at least according to those who were influential in its use and historians after the fact. Yet all of those justifications are faulty. Starting now with those who claim its use was of military necessity, in fact such is not true. As noted by the Commander of the US Air Force in Document E, Japan was already on the ropes from the massive losses of life caused by barbaric American firebombing of key civilian cities and lack of supplies. So to say that the bomb was …show more content…
From a military standpoint it was not necessary as the Japanese were ready to collapse; it was only necessary in order to allow the US to get what they want. Document H speaks to this, dismissing the American claim that its use was necessary to end the war and thus causing the Document 's critique of the decision as making America "the arch-enemy of humanity" to be not far off the mark, as the evidence suggests that America cared not for Japan or its people but only for how to advance American interests. From a scientific standpoint, the power of the bomb was already known and needed not to be tested again, let alone on actual people. Finally, any positive diplomatic effects the bomb might have brought about were either nonexistent or overshadowed by the cost of the moral high-ground the US enjoyed before its use: tensions with the Soviets worsened, the Cold War became inevitable, and millions of people were affected. Thus the use of the atomic bomb was a diplomatic blunder to say the

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