According to Romeo and Juliet, the Friar John says, “I couldn’t send it. Here it is. (He gives FRIAR LAWRENCE a letter)Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, the letter was not just a nice greeting. It was full of very important information.…
Euthyphro dilemma is started when two questions were presented about the divine command theorists. In the Euthyphro dialogue, Socrates asked if something is right because God commands it, or does God command it because it is right? This created a suggestion about the relationship between morality and religion to be uncertain I think. It seems as if Euthyphro accepts both theories even though as it is being augmented by Socrates to explain further depths of his reasoning. The options offered to the divine command theorist are intended to be logically exhaustive.…
Finally, Christians often isolate themselves from the world because they do not believe their lives could make any difference. This problem often arises when people take Biblical truths, such as predestination, out of context. In Ephesian 1:4-5a, it reads, “According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be hold and without blame before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself…” People take this to mean that God has chosen His people, so the rest of humanity can give up on the currently unsaved because if God wants them, He will call them. However, this problem arises because humans do not always view themselves as God’s tools as well as children.…
Paul had written approximately a third of the New Testament, which includes the thirteen epistles. The letters, on which our context is based, can be found in the Prison Epistles that consist of Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon. Ephesians is…
Paul epistles In studying the 13 letters written by Paul, we can lay them in two categories, the church, and to people. To the churches are Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians, Colossians and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. To people, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. After Paul conversion, his goal was to reach the Jews and Gentile and teach them the way a Christian should live.…
1. Euthyphro accuses his father of impiety in the death of a servant, whom he tied up and cast into a ditch for killing another while drunk. A murderer by default, the man perished from starvation and exposure while Euthyphro’s father awaited further instructions. 2. Although Euthyphro asserts himself proficient on all matters of morality, Socrates teaches him humility by highlighting his overall ignorance regarding the divine.…
One day, Zeus decided to give all of the creatures on earth what he called "differences." The Gods were bored of watching both humans and animals eat, sleep, and wander around. Zeus called for Epimetheus, another God who was not busy at the time, and gave him two boxes. The big box was filled with Zeus's differences. Zeus told Epimetheus to pass them out to the creatures on earth.…
Although I was raised in a Christian home, I don’t believe I thoroughly understood the faith until junior high when I accepted Christ as my savior. As we were worshiping, my youth pastor went up on stage and encouraged us that if we wanted to, we could pray alongside him and accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior. I felt his presence immensely that night, and Since then I’ve been striving to grow increasingly closer and improve my understanding of him. As Christians I believe that we’re incapable of staying still in our faith. We’re either growing intentionally nearer or through indifference moving further away from God.…
The book of Ephesians is one of the most popular and important books of the New Testament. It includes topics such as unity within the body of Christ, relationship of believers to God, the Church as a whole. It is the purpose of the writing to discuss briefly the context and theological importance of this book. The book of Ephesians was written most likely in Rome and likely between 60 or 61 A.D. It has been historically accepted that Paul wrote this letter perhaps as a circulatory letter to the churches of Asia Minor. Paul likely wrote the letter from prison in Rome.…
1 Thessalonians is agreed by most scholars to be Paul’s first epistle written to the Thessalonians from Corinth in AD 51. The purpose of this letter was to defend Paul’s integrity, encourage the church to endure persecution as well as live holy lives, and to comfort and teach the church about Christ’s return. In chapter two and three, Paul is mainly concerned with defending his integrity so he can renew the trust of his readers not only to encourage the believers in Thessalonica but also to ensure that they will listen to the moral instructions he intends to give them in the following passage. In this passage Paul is writing to the church of explicit moral…
Bruce Milne in his Dynamic Diversity believes that the notion of “New Humanity” as depicted in Ephesians 2 calls for a change in the local church model which is fitting with the realization that believers, whatever their ethnic or cultural background or origin are, might join in what he called “New Humanity” local churches which is a foretaste of the Universal Church . But are there sufficient evidences of this model from the early churches? From Luke’s account, it is inconclusive whether early house church (Act 2:46, 5:42, 12:12) which is the basic ecclesiastical unit for both preaching and teaching, is homogenous or mixed, even though they did exhibit unity as they “had everything in common” (Act 2:44) and “one heart and mind” (Act 4:32). The incident of Hellenistic Jews complaint against Hebraic Jews that their widows were overlooked in the daily distribution of food (Act 6:1) following which seven men were chosen from this group (Acts 6:2-6) may however indicate the non-homogeneous nature of the early Jerusalem church. Congregations subsequently emerged in Palestine toward end of the first century also showed cultural diversity, comprising of Hellenist Jews, Samaritan and other Gentiles.…
By this time manuscripts were not only being copied but they could also be read effectively. To read and to write for the monks wasn’t as…
1. The Royal courts, in the Middle Ages had their own messengers who were used as courier agents. Do you know that these courier agents were paid just a little more than labourers at that time? 2. It was only in the year 2400 BC that the first documented courier service was introduced.…
Both tradition and the internal evidence of 1 Peter agree upon the authorship of this epistle. 1 Peter 1:1 claims Simon Peter the apostle as the author of this letter. One of the original twelve disciples, this Peter is the only one mentioned in the New Testament. In 1 Peter 5:1, the author claims to be a “witness of the sufferings of Christ”.…
For instance, van der Wal et al. (2012:144) were disappointed by the fact that one of the senders (Cornelia) of the letters that they studied, asked another person to write the letters for her. Hence, the scribe of the letter was not its…