The Carolingian Renaissance did a lot of good things that has shaped the world today. One of those were the preparing of religious texts. Charlemagne felt like with the texts were in bad shape. They had become hard to read because they didn’t have punctuation, everything was written in uppercase so it just made it very hard to read. He didn’t want the Latin language to lose its self. So therefore he began to recruit people to his school. There came somebody named Alcuin of York. He was one of the most important figures of the Carolingian Renaissance. …show more content…
Prior to and during the beginning of Charlemagne monarchy most if not all of the monks had been at an illiterate standstill. It had been difficult for these monks and or priests to understand manuscripts that had been written much less write them. Charlemagne brought them out of this illiteracy by creating reformation of schools and course studies. Also, it is said that Charlemagne convinced Alucin to come to Aachen to bring these course studies. This was intended to teach the clergy and monks. Conclusively this is where one might find the origins of the seven liberal arts: comprised grammar (how to write), rhetoric (how to speak) and logic (how to think) while the “quadrivium”was made as the mathematical arts, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music. These were all arts that were taught and studied by the monks from Charles the Great. (Restoration of Charles the Great) In addition to that this was the start of the classical period. Students then began to read Homer, Plato, Virgil and other literary texts. By this time manuscripts were not only being copied but they could also be read effectively. To read and to write for the monks wasn’t as confusing anymore. By the 9th century writing rooms, called scriptoria had been developed. This is when texts were beginning to be copied. In the event of this the Latin writing of Carolingian minuscule had been created. This is the writing of modern lower-case script, and the standardization of Latin which had hitherto become varied and irregular. Charlemagne reformed the schools though writing was still sloppy and it was hard to understand what Charlemagne did was take account of what we now know as Medieval Latin. Charlemagne created many other public works that also involved the construction of the Church of the Holy Mother of God at Aix-la-Chapelle; This not only was the most impressive however the most effective of them all. Also, a bridge over the Rhine at Mayence, though this bridge was destroyed by fire the year before Charles died, and since he died so soon afterwards, it could not be reinstructed, although he had intended to rebuild it in stone. He began two beautiful palaces at Ingelheim and Nimeguen.. It is safe