2. The term used by historians for the middle age of Europe was called medieval. This term indicated the time period in the middle of Greco-Roman and the Renaissance.
3. The eastern part of the Roman Empire which fell to the Ottomans in 1453 was known as the Byzantine Empire. This name was taken from “Byzantium”, which was an early name for the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.
4. The emerging kingdom of Kievan Russia was established in Ukraine by Scandinavian explorers reigning over Slavic farmers.
5. The split within a religious community was known as a schism.
6. A manor was defined in …show more content…
In medieval Europe, a fief was a piece of land granted to someone who vowed to provide a specified military service.
9. Fiefs were given to vassals, or sworn supporters of the king or lord who were committed to giving military service.
10. The Pope was the leader of the papacy, which was the dominant government of the Roman Catholic Church.
11. The Holy Roman Empire was composed of mostly Germanic states that was lead by an emperor.
12. The investiture controversy was a disagreement amid the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors over who detained control over bishops in imperial lands.
13. Monasticism is a religious way to live, and this is defined as a person leaving the social world of other humans in order to dedicate themselves completely to religious work.
14. The tool in which helped relieve tension from a horse’s neck to the shoulders is known as the horse collar. This increased the effectiveness of the horses, making it easier for horses to pull plows and carts.
15. Christians who were determined to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim rule took part in the Crusades. These armed men created an end to the eras of scholarly and ethnic separation in Western