It successfully included many of the basic requirements we have discussed in class involving practices/etiquette for presentations. Andrew did very well for establishing his credibility for both himself and ULine. He first discussed his background and his education. He mentioned that he received his masters in business at Northwestern. As a top ranked university that turned a lot of heads in the room. He then explained what his position was at ULine. As the Director of Merchandising he is the individual uncharged of all of the products sold at ULine. With that position he is involved in the advertising, marketing, and numerous other duties. This further established his credibility because he wasn’t just another employee at the company he was one of the higher ranking employees. The next aspect of the presentation that was executed superbly was the organization of his power point. Andrew avoided over filing each slide with words, he only had a sentence or two and then expanded on the topic which is what we have been taught to do. Also he included a lot of pictures which helped his audience understand and see first hand what product he was talking about. Andrew also brought two ULine catalogs with him. The catalogs he passed around were examples of the ones ULine sends out to companies/customers several times each year. I looked through the thousands of products that they had available and found it very astonishing that Andrew was in charge of all of those products. Andrew’s delivery of the presentation was one of the best I have seen from someone giving a presentation. He was clear and avoided using business jargon that would confuse his audience. Andrew came off as confident and very knowledgeable about each topic. He also encouraged us to ask questions at any point during the presentation. He was bombarded with many questions, but Andrew never stumbled and gave clear
It successfully included many of the basic requirements we have discussed in class involving practices/etiquette for presentations. Andrew did very well for establishing his credibility for both himself and ULine. He first discussed his background and his education. He mentioned that he received his masters in business at Northwestern. As a top ranked university that turned a lot of heads in the room. He then explained what his position was at ULine. As the Director of Merchandising he is the individual uncharged of all of the products sold at ULine. With that position he is involved in the advertising, marketing, and numerous other duties. This further established his credibility because he wasn’t just another employee at the company he was one of the higher ranking employees. The next aspect of the presentation that was executed superbly was the organization of his power point. Andrew avoided over filing each slide with words, he only had a sentence or two and then expanded on the topic which is what we have been taught to do. Also he included a lot of pictures which helped his audience understand and see first hand what product he was talking about. Andrew also brought two ULine catalogs with him. The catalogs he passed around were examples of the ones ULine sends out to companies/customers several times each year. I looked through the thousands of products that they had available and found it very astonishing that Andrew was in charge of all of those products. Andrew’s delivery of the presentation was one of the best I have seen from someone giving a presentation. He was clear and avoided using business jargon that would confuse his audience. Andrew came off as confident and very knowledgeable about each topic. He also encouraged us to ask questions at any point during the presentation. He was bombarded with many questions, but Andrew never stumbled and gave clear