The tasks and responsibilities of a physical therapist include Patient Assessment: “physical therapist must perform an initial assessment of a patient’s illness or trauma in order to determine what the best course of action will be to restore mobility, alleviate pain or prevent further deterioration. During the assessment, physical therapists evaluate a patient’s ambulation, balance, coordination and control, among other physical abilities”. Formulate Patient Care Plan: “When formulating this plan, physical therapist often consult with other specialists and medical personnel including doctors, dentists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, …show more content…
The few pros to a physical therapist are: High level of education- you will gain advanced knowledge in many areas of health and science. Excellent job opportunities- physical therapists are in high demand. Excellent salaries- “In 2009, the average physical therapist salary was approximately $ 75,000”.(ptjobsforyou). Opportunities for interaction with people - people in physical therapists careers will not be “ stuck- behind desk” all day and will usually get to be very active. ( Can often find part-time work: makes it ideal as a career for those who wish to have plenty of time to devote to having a