Professionalism In Physical Therapy

Superior Essays
Professionalism is a must for a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) student or DPT program to be truly successful. The American Physical Therapy Association adheres to seven core values, which encompass and promote professionalism: Accountability, altruism, compassion/caring, excellence, integrity, professional duty, and social responsibility (APTA Core Values, n.d.). Doctor of physical therapy students should understand, display, and develop these core values throughout their professional program and career. This can be accomplished through continually reassessing oneself and emulating professors, colleagues, and leaders who display these characteristics. Professionalism is more than dressing nicely or acting like a gentleman; it is an embodied way of life – who you are - that dictates everything that a DPT student or a physical therapist (PT) does.

Accountability refers to answering to oneself and/or others for your actions and behavior. Taking full responsibility and holding myself accountable at all times means not blaming others or making excuses for my own actions. I also expect my peers and professors to hold me accountable, as I will them. I need help to stay on top of my studies and to ensure I have the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to be the best future therapist I can be. Being altruistic means considering others first and placing their wants and needs above oneself. Altruistic behavior is selfless and promotes someone else’s welfare, without any expectation or desire for reward. Altruism is going “the extra mile” to improve someone else’s situation or health because it is the right thing to do. Many of the demands that a PT encounters could be considered an “inconvenience,” such as patients showing up late for appointments or requiring extra time and attention; however, being altruistic empowers an individual to look beyond himself. Practicing physical therapy should be driven by doing what is best for the patient, or being patient-centered. Compassion involves understanding patients and meeting them on their level; showing them that they are valuable and you care for their wellbeing. My father, a PT, recently evaluated a new patient who had just undergone a total knee replacement; she was very anxious about starting outpatient therapy. Instead of telling her to toughen up, my father took his time with her, was gentle, and showed that he cared by the way he communicated with her. His compassion and caring made a significant difference in her treatment on this particular day. I can easily see how if a PT lacks compassion, a patient would be less likely to be engaged in their care if they do not feel valued and understood. Excellence conveys a sense of striving to be the best one can be at something. As a DPT student, it is very important to reach for excellence knowing that the health and well-being of future patients depend on it. As a DPT student and as a therapist, I will expect excellence of myself and my peers; this will require me to become a
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Physical therapists must be proactive and constantly seek ways to better serve their profession through continuing education, improving therapist-patient relationships, and gaining a greater understanding of what physical therapy is truly all about. Doctor of physical therapy students should be active members of the APTA, seek out mentors in the classroom and the clinic, and provide the best care to patients during clinical

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