I have personally watched some of the people I know and even friends go through this scenario. They wonder why, and yet seem surprised why they have such a low grades in their classes. Then they think it’s the professor’s fault because his class is hard or he gives out too much homework etc. In reality, not only are they showing they are irresponsible but the fact they are not being accountable for their actions. People who are not accountable are also the people who make excuses and sit on the “pity potty”. These people always seem to ask the same question time and time again; Why me? See, I hate surrounding myself with people like this because accountability doesn’t exist in their world. In my world its everything to me, that is why I try my best to stay away from self pity and to except responsibility because that is what being a part of Sigma Chi is all …show more content…
If you wish to be accountable you need own up to what it is you did wrong or what you have been doing. It’s called accepting responsibility, and being accountable for you actions. If you choose to always blame your reasons on someone else, or keep making up excuses, you will never grow as a person. When you take Full responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will flourish, your market value will soar, people’s respect for you will skyrocket, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow. Because when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do, you will distinguish yourself from the crowd. What I have noticed and seen is that if you want to advance your life personally or professionally, you must hold yourself accountable for your actions, responsibilities, and goals; because when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do, you will distinguish yourself from the