Pride And Prejudice Marriage Essay

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Marriage is an important milestone in one’s life. It is a union of two people who vow to remain together and love one another until death does them apart. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen emphasizes the prominence of marriage based on loved rather than other influences. Through the experiences of Lydia and Wickham, Charlotte and Collins, and Elizabeth and Darcy, Austen criticizes marriages based on infatuation, convenience and money, and emphasizes that marriage can only be successful if they are founded on mutual love.
Jane Austen criticizes the various different marriages in the novel. Lydia and Wickham’s marriage is based completely on infatuation on Lydia’s end and greed on Wickham’s end. Lydia is the second youngest of the Bennet
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Elizabeth is prejudice towards Darcy and he is prideful, indifferent and impolite towards her. Despite their differences, they are able to overcome them and have the most successful marriage in the novel. Once she visits Pemberly, her feelings change and she realizes that she was prejudiced and quick to judge. Elizabeth is in amazement; she cannot believe “so honestly [she]…could have loved [Darcy] as now.” Elizabeth is recognizes that Darcy is the man of her dreams. He would be the perfect husband for her because he truly loves her and he she loves him just as much. He willingly pays Wickham to marry Lydia for the sake of Elizabeth and her happiness. He knows that her family is important to her just as important as Elizabeth is to him. Unlike Collins who would boast, he also tries to conceal what he has done because he does not like to show off. He truly becomes humble putting aside his pride. This further assists Elizabeth in realizing her affections for Darcy, she confesses to Jane that she loves Darcy and his “disposition… would suit her.” Varying from Wickham and Collins, Darcy is the man who would suit her. He is the most appropriate man for her because he has all the qualities that she is looking for in a man. He is no longer proud, he is not greedy, he is intelligent, handsome and most of all truly in love with Elizabeth, unconditionally. His love for does not change, as it is not conditional. Darcy confesses to Elizabeth that his “ affection and wishes are unchanged.” Despite Elizabeth’s rude comments and behaviour towards him, he still loves her. He tries to be understanding and empathetic of opinion of him instead of being vengeful. He realizes he is not perfect but he works on his flaws and tries to court Elizabeth once again as a changed man. Once Elizabeth accepts his proposal, Darcy asks Mr. Bennet for his approval. Mr. Bennet confronts Elizabeth of this sudden change of mind. That

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