Causes Of Prejudice And Stereotyping

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Stereotyping is a kind of pre judgment that is as pervasive in today 's overall population. All through society, individuals have been required to live by rules and are comprised by media created thoughts and methods for living our life. It is likely to have expectations or emotions about people in views of qualities or characteristics like sex, sexual orientation, and conjugal status that can lead our negative behaviors to affect their way of being. Prejudice can fall under the same bracket as stereotyping, it is a negative opinion and completely ignores that every individual has their own abilities as well as weaknesses, and feelings. In many cases, the stereotype may seem somewhat accurate but that does not mean that this person
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Trayvon Martin was an African American male who was 17 years old. He was shot by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watcher. Although, he was proven not guilty, this was a prejudice act because George followed him around due to him wearing a hoodie and because he was black which caused him to look suspicious. Had he not been wearing a hoodie, he would have maybe survived and have not been followed. This was a case that had many people pissed off and ready for a riot. He carried nothing but an Arizona drink, skittles, a cell phone and forty dollars. Yet, he was categorized as dangerous because of his appearance. We have many cases that have caused death or a dispute because people seem to quickly assume the negative of someone. It is very unfortunate but there are different levels to each situation and compared to the stereotype given before this, this can be consider an unfair …show more content…
Traditionally, African Americans and other non-White individuals have either been absent from the media or been portrayed in negative terms—for example, the African American are lazy, slow thinking, and subservient.” (Hurst, Pg.161) For plenty of time in history and even now in present time, African Americans are profiled as poor, lazy and unintelligent. “The Pursuit of Happiness” played by Will Smith is a movie where he is evited from his apartment and has nowhere to go. He and his son are living in shelters and going through many obstacles. This movie is a perfect example to demonstrate that the characters were stereotyped. Another movie that supports stereotyping characters is “Precious,” because it contents a lot of discrimination and prejudice of the life of an African American. Precious was overweight and living in a community of poverty. Her role in the movie was a young lady, who was neglected and mistreated by her mother. The poor girl was raped by her dad, and pregnant twice. She received welfare, was illiterate, and she did not know how to read or write. The movie had all types of stereotypes, it went from stealing, to welfare, to sexual behaviors, to eating fried chicken and even a terrible public school system. There was a part in the movie where it was stated that blacks were more on welfare than white people. This all comes down to

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