“Everything that seems empty is full of the angels of God.’ The magnificent sky above the plains sometimes seems to sing this truth; angels seem possible in the wind-filled expanse” (page 11). The Bible often states that nature glorifies the Lord and that He can be seen through what He has created. Places such as western Dakota, so far from the majority of civilization, do this particularly well. People are reminded of the greatness and power of the Creator when they experience the vastness and wildness of His creation.…
National Anthem Protests As you go to sporting events, you hear the National Anthem being played before the athletes start their sporting event. The reason for this is to honor those who served and protect our country and for those who are still doing so. Recently, many NFL (National Football League) players have oppose to stand for the National Anthem. In 2016 Colin Kaepernick, who played football for the San Francisco 49er’s, started a protest trend to kneel for the National Anthem.…
Beth Cuthand’s poem, “For All the Settlers Who Secretly Sing”, portrays a character, a Settler, who is referred to as a you throughout the poem, although this is just an assumption. The settler has moved into an indigenous land, unaware of the cultural beliefs, ignorant about the spiritual beings and unaware of nature’s importance to the land. Cuthand’s poem, “For All the Settlers Who Secretly Sing, portrays cultural acceptance and how a person is able to achieve spiritual awareness, through nature’s presence. Cuthand uses personification and imagery to demonstrate the different stages of self-awareness and the role of nature in the process of cultural acceptance.…
Carpenter decided to order a “box o’birds”, which only cost her $42 for two turkeys, ten chickens, two geese, and two ducks. She housed them in a make shift home for them in her apartment until they were able to live outside. She also fed them via her home-grown garden. Eventually, Carpenter decides to enhance her farm even more by receiving rabbits and pigs. She describes how she receives and harvested these animals throughout the book.…
Originally written as a salute to the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance has been recited by millions of schoolchildren every morning since its debut during the 1892 Columbus Day Celebration. The revised oath is viewed as a patriotic representation of America’s virtues. Above all national symbols, nothing has provoked as much controversy as the issue on the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. Beginning in the early 2000s, there has been an increase in schools dismissing the Pledge from their morning routines after some have argued that it violates the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The Pledge of Allegiance should be rehearsed in public schools because it reminds students of the country’s founding principles,…
It was originally a time of great excitement, volunteers were marching down the avenue whole families were proud of the new soldiers marching down The next sunday morning, the battalions would leave for the war The long prayer started and it was passionate pleading and was beautifully written, talked about the Father would watch over our soldiers and help him out in their patriotic work Then suddenly an aged stranger comes saying that he is a messenger of god He gave a different spin on war saying that what they are praying for will bring the destruction of their enemies and they need to keep that in mind. Giving examples like help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes.…
The Pledge of Allegiance is a poem we respect. It is very important because it holds much history, schools recite it every day and the purpose of it. Here lately there are many debates on keeping the Pledge of Allegiance. There’s just too much about it to give it up.…
Many would say that evolution is just a theory and opposite of that opinion many would say religion is just a book. Yet, evolution hasn’t been shut down in schools across the US for the last 80 years. America has been built off of the belief in God and that is the way it has been over 241 years. It wasn’t till 1954 that Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to put “One nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance to make that statement true. Then, around 2013-2015 the Pledge of Allegiance was taken out of schools because parents were angry their kids were being forced to follow a religion at school that they might not follow at home.…
What do you think, is taking a knee during the national anthem disrespectful? Players have caused a huge controversy because they have been taking a knee during the national anthem. Many people have responded to it in many ways, the fans showed disapproval to the players, the players have started linking arms during the anthem, also started staying in their locker rooms while the national anthem is played, even our current president also responded to it in a negative way. Our president states that linking arms is alright but “kneeling is not acceptable” and if the fans stop going to the games because the players cannot respect our country and our flag change will occur, meaning fire or suspend. Although many people think taking a knee is disrespectful,…
The reasons why the protest of the National Anthem should be supported is because of the injustice, police brutality and systemic oppression that the people of color face in America today. Karl Marx, a nineteenth century German Philosopher, explained the world through two concepts, oppression and exploitation. The struggle between good and evil, the oppressed and oppressor is what guides every society, in every age and in this case the oppressed is the people of color. In 1931, George Padmore, a prominent African -American writer of the twentieth century wrote “The oppression of Negros assumes two distinct forms: on the one hand they are oppressed as a class, and on the other as a nation….. National (race) oppression assumes its most pronounced forms in the United States of America.”…
Newton’s “Amazing Grace” expresses the amazing love and mercy of God. He refers to the grace he receives as “Amazing” because it is a supernatural gift which he obtains when. By virtue of his occupation- slave trade, Newton sees himself as someone in whom there is no good. He believes he should be devoured by that raging storm that comes upon his ship. But then, God shows up and rescues him.…
“I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.” Theodore Roosevelt Patriotic people care and love their nations. For American people, the two of the most crucial elements in their country are freedom and liberty. They have the freedom to say what they want and express what they think.…
Good and Evil An illustrated collection of poems entitled, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, written and illustrated by William Blake shows a variety of perspectives. The innocent and pastoral world for a child pitted against a world of corruption and repression for adults. The same situation or problem is first presented through the perspective of a child and then shown from experience. The poem “The Lamb” is the counterpart for “The Tyger”, which shows two sides to the human soul: a bright side and a dark side or good and evil. The lamb represents all that is good in the world and innocence while the Tyger showcases the opposite, focusing on evil, corruption, and suffering in the world.…
It is rare that I am up at 4:30 in the morning. The morning air was so fresh, and there was not a sound in the world. Waking up this early gives me a chance to witness one of the true beauties in the world. All of this happens before the world wakes up and the sunrise, on the beach, is something everyone should witness in their lives. The way the world stops in that moment of time gives such peace within myself to take on the day.…
“The Lamb” by William Blake contains a literal and a metaphorical meaning, the use of many literary elements, and the hidden symbolism contained within. Firstly, “The Lamb” was written by William Blake published in Songs of Innocence in 1789. Much like this poem, many of William Blake’s works were about Christianity. The Lamb is a counterpart to William Blake’s “The Tyger” in Songs of Experience.…