The mean for number
The mean for number
As well, I noticed that once a pill bug wandered into the colder chamber, they would tend to stay. One thing we could do to further improve the experiment is to add more pill bugs to the chamber, in order to help prove the test's reliability.…
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the outcome of a barrier divide between two species. • Introduction o Natural selection is the evolutionary change due to variation in production of species with different variable characters. (Montgomery, n.d.) Such an example occurs when birds prefer red bugs due to possible taste or color than their counter species- green bugs. This in return will affect the higher reproduction of green bugs thus making red bugs become nonexistent.…
Our experiment required a few steps. The first step was to collect at least three pill bugs outside, which live under leaf litter, and put them into a small, plastic container. When we got inside,we took a two compartment choice chamber and put filter paper on the bottom to see the bugs more clearly. Then, we randomly selected one of the pill bugs and put it to the rightmost of the choice chamber. Then we played either classical or heavy metal music at 14 volume on an iPhone 6 for two minutes.…
. Why does (or doesn’t) the frequency of a physical trait change in a rabbit population in different environments? c. This is an important investigation as understanding how populations are affected by different traits helps to understand why certain species thrive in an a certain an environment and why others don’t. This is an interesting investigation as there are no predators in this investigation, the rabbits are competing for food and that is why they are dying at an alarming rate.…
The purpose of the lab was to observe the environmental impact on the behavior of pill bugs (Armadillidium vulgare) by using the steps of the scientific method. . We placed two pill bugs in an enclosed space and recorded the amount of time they spent in two categories of living spaces: hard rocks or soft sphagnum moss. Despite predicting that they would have a preference for a softer area, both pill bugs spent more of their time in the rocks than in the moss. This suggests that Armadillidium vulgare has a preference towards environments with hard surfaces over soft ones, possibly due to factors like light or surface area. However, certain experimental errors such as material density and poor handling may have skewed the accuracy of results.…
The objective of the Isopods Lab was to figure out if the Pillbugs favored the wet environment or a dry environment. After reading the pre-lab report on Pillbugs, my hypothesis was that “If water is added to an Isopods environment, then the isopods will favor the wet environment.” By using two groups of Isopods, one group was put into a dry environment and the other had one drop of water into their dish. After ten minutes of observing the Isopods, the results showed that the Pill Bugs prefer the wet environment more. As time went on, the bugs in the wet environment survived longer than the Isopod in the dry environment.…
Problem: It is known that isopods have a preference for moisture. This lab will specifically test whether or not an additive will affect a pill bug's preference.…
We hypothesized that the pill bugs would be more attracted to the higher acidic environment represented by hydrochloric acid as opposed to the lower acidic environment represented by sodium…
Pill bugs always like to come out during the night because they preferred moist and dark places. Temperature is important because in order to stay alive and be able to breathe pill bugs need moisture and humid places. Therefore, pill bugs need moist to be able to live and reproduce more pill bugs. The only way that pill bugs won't be able to adapt to the environment is…
The experiment was limited because it only allowed for a very limited number of bugs (twenty to forty at a time) and also set how many members were eaten and born during each generation instead of allowing for the population to grow and shrink naturally, which was impossible to do with construction bugs. A next step to the experiment could be changing how many bugs are born and how many die per generation, as well as allowing for the existence of more and less than 40 bugs at a time. Both the lab and evolution/natural selection are affected by the selection pressure of predation, which results in individuals with disadvantageous traits dying, and not passing on their traits, and those with advantageous traits surviving, and passing on their traits to their offspring. The environment, in the case of the lab and in nature, can make certain bugs more noticeable than others, which would increase the chances of them being found, killed, and eaten by predators. In other words, the environment increased the phenotype frequencies of the bugs that could blend into them and decreased the phenotype frequencies of the bugs that could not blend into them.…
We put the sowbugs in a clear, plastic box and then we set our light source, which was a lamp, different distances away from the box. Then, we observed the sowbugs and collected data. We concluded that the sowbugs get farther away from the light as the lamp is closer to them since we can see in the graph from Presentation of Processed Data that when the lamp was 10 centimeters away from the box, the sowbugs got the farthest…
Evaluation When performing the experiment, the pill bugs were generally unresponsive, and many stayed in the same place throughout the whole experiment. Outside of this, no major problems occurred while performing the experiment. If the experiment were to be performed again, more of the IV (baking soda, rubbing alcohol, etc.) would be added to produce a more pronounced effect on the pill bugs, as most pillbugs did not move at all. The results are mostly trustworthy and accurate, as the data is backed up by the research done prior to the experiment. Conversely, more trials could have been performed as experiments with living organisms tend to need a larger sample size.…
“Bitter Pill” is a TIME magazine cover story published by American Journalist Steven Brill in February, 2013. This long report has investigated the egregious billing practice by the hospitals and their executives, and the way how they are using the system in order to maximize their profits. In this extensive and pointed exposé of healthcare cost in the US, Steven Brill has documented several case studies of patients who received disproportionate hospital bills that had little relationship to the care provided in the hospitals. He pointed out some of major factors that contributes to this unjustifiable medical bills in US, e.g., the hospitals’ gratuitous Chargemaster rates, unnecessary laboratory tests, unjustifiable costs of medical items,…
We thought if the light was dim in a single chamber, the pill bug would go to that chamber. In this experiment, there are two variables: the independent and dependent. The independent variable, the one that is manipulated, is the lighting. In this case, there are four different degrees of lighting: light, barely dark, medium dark, and very dark.…
We all know people use drugs to escape reality or to have a good time but in reality it’s a killer. Party drugs are usually hallucinogens such as LSD or ecstasy and stimulants like cocaine, weed and amphetamines. Drug use happens everywhere especially at parties or concerts and it can be very dangerous, leading to violence and/or death. According to a survey from the Drug Info website 10.9% of Australians aged 14 years and over have used ecstasy one or more times in their life.…