While having the patient live for six months would be ideal for some, if they are suffering the entire time, their quality of life is diminished drastically. As it is stated in the textbook, sometimes a limit is reached where there is no ultimate benefit to the patients and their quality of life is not improved whatsoever (Dolgoff, et al, 2012). In instances where medication and therapy cannot improve a person’s condition, their quality of life should be addressed. In John’s case, this would be a strong argument supporting his …show more content…
Palliative care is a form of specialized, medical care for people who only have a limited amount of time left to live. According to Saunders, as cited by Fernandes, palliative care offers a much more humane attitude than physician assisted suicide does. The article goes on to ponder what kind of precedent we would be setting if we consider assisted suicide to be good end-of-life care. It then argues how moral clarity is imperative, and that the conflict between valuing life and ending life are too great to consider physician assisted suicide as an option (Fernandes,