Physician Assisted Suicide Dilemma

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The only way to make this possible if the house of commons and the senate decide to update the C-14 or pass a newer, more detailed law. A law tried to be passed, however it was rejected by the house of commons. One big dilemma which the court faces while trying to pass this that of a moral issue. The laws were forcing many individuals to take their life impetuously as they feared they would not be able to do so when their disease consumed them to a point with no return and the suffering was intolerable. Many doctors are against physician assisted suicide and do not want to be associated with it in any way. Based on a survey, 60% of nurses are in favour of physician assisted suicide and are willing to embrace it as long as they are not the ones performing it directly. There is also another dilemma faced; what about those who they leave behind. This is a report not from the eyes of the victim, but as reported by his sister, who had to go through the pain and constant reminder that she let her brother die right in front of her. She reminisces when she gave her brother the purple liquid that would soon put him out of his misery and the dilemma she faced between the selfless act of letting her brother die peacefully and the selfish act of keeping her brother alive, no matter the cost. Many such as Jack will have to live their live knowing what they did, especially if it is opened up to more people. One way to solve this issue would be to increase the awareness of PAS. Many physicians are poorly educated regarding this matter. Schools and institutes are now involving more information on assisted dying. The role of the doctor is only limited to advising the patient. They are not left in a position to make the choice for any patient (it would be considered punishable under the law if they do). Citizens need to be made aware through brochures or through more advertisements spreading the message behind physician assisted suicide and explaining the steps and procedures involved. People often seem to have a misconception about how this procedure works. There are no alternatives to opening up physician assisted suicide for the greater number in the society. …show more content…
People have been suffering long enough. They deserve a way out, to tell their families a proper good bye and die on their own accord. People do not deserve to be forced to live like that. There will always be those who oppose PAS. This may be on moral grounds, religious grounds or ethical grounds but in the end it is what the victim wants. They deserve the choice how they want to die. They must not be put through the pain of living with their condition when they know they are a liability to their families, the medical staff and the government. Note however, that this does not mean allowing people to use physician assisted suicide on their own free will. They must still meet the pre-established conditions and their case must be approved by legal bodies. No one must be placed above the law to use this law against the system for personal gains and exploitation. There are a few however, not only citizens and professionals who rally against PAS. Organizations such as ‘Toujour Vivant’ / ‘Not dead yet

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