Medical professional codes has a long prohibited physician involvement in assisting a patient's suicide, However despite ethical and legal prohibited, calls for the liberalizations of this ban grown in recent years. The medical profession should be articulate its view arguments for and against changes in product , in addressing such as a contentious issues, Any bad situations can happen at anytime any place.. for example somebody died in front of you what would you do as a doctor. …show more content…
We know that people believe that if they call for help there going receive a large amount of money. The questions is are you going do it for money or the inside of your heart. Physician assisted suicide it's promoted among the issues that define por professional norms and codes of ethic. American college of physician of the society of internal medicine does not support the legalization would undermine the patient's of physician assisted suicide. The routine practice of physician assisted suicide raises serious ethical and other concern. Legislation would undermine the patient's physical relationship and the trust necessary to sustain it; alter the medical profession role in society; and endanger the value our society places in lives of disabled, incompetent and vulnerable