The principle non-maleficence demonstrates why physician assisted suicide could cause more harm than keeping the patient alive. Non-maleficence is defined as not …show more content…
Most importantly, physicians are a part of this decision, which makes this topic a huge concern because it goes against a physician’s integrity, which is why a plethora of ethical concerns arise from physician-assisted suicide. The principle of non-maleficence and the theory of deontology demonstrates why physician-assisted suicide is unethical in the medical world. First, the principle non-maleficence states to avoid all harm. The principle understands that it might be impossible to avoid all harm, but the action taken must at least be good. Secondly, deontologists believe it goes against a doctor’s duty to assist in a patient’s suicide. To sum it all up, physician assisted suicide should be considered unethical because it is allowing a person to end his/her