The ideal, location for bacterial and photovoltaic energy is Los Angeles, California. Conditions for these two energy sources consist of large amounts of the sun and excessive amounts of waste, whether sewage or food. Photovoltaic energy works with solar power, so having continuous sun throughout the year, allows for it to function best. As well, bacterial energy needs waste in large proportions, and with Los Angeles’s enormous population, energy can be created easier. The benefits of putting bacterial and photovoltaic energy are that it keeps the environment clean. By using these two energy sources, the population of Los Angeles, California, is helping the environment because one would be using natural resources. In this specific case, the two natural resources are the sun and bacteria. As well, both of these energy sources do not release any kinds of greenhouse gases, as well, they do not pollute while in the process of creating electricity. Bacteria produces energy by generating hydrogen gas by adding voltage into the system. The voltage acts as a way to generate hydrogen gas. First, the bacteria eats at the organic matter in wastewater, which then releases electrons as a byproduct. Then, the electrons collect on a fuel cell to then produce bacterial energy. Photovoltaic energy works by converting the sun’s solar rays into electricity with solar-powered photovoltaic panels, or PV panels. These panels make electricity by exciting electrons in silicon cells from the use of photons of light from the sun. Bacterial energy has both advantages and disadvantages. To start, one advantage of bacterial energy is that with enough bacteria, a large portion of energy needs can be met. Also, bacteria is extremely accessible because it can grow anywhere. Another advantage is that this is an acceptable form of energy to use in third-world countries, inaccessible environments, as well as hostile environments. A disadvantage of this energy source is that a great deal of land will be used for bacterial energy plants to function. As well, installing a bacterial energy plant is quite expensive. Also, there has to be an excessive amount of bacterial energy to gain enough wattage to have anything run on this form of energy. In other words, this form of energy is not very efficient. The advantages of photovoltaic energy compliment my source because it is not expensive to …show more content…
As well, bacterial energy may be opposed because of the energy ennifency. Though bacterial energy seems like it would take up much space, in a city such as Los Angeles, which is high populated, fields for more agriculture won’t be needed. Waste from the city will be sufficient enough to power a bacterial energy plant because of the waste from all the citizens will be plentiful and in abundance to keep the plant functioning. The high population also will contribute to bacterial energy’s efficiency because the more waste that feeds into the plant, the higher the efficiency. Since Los Angeles, California is a populated city, there will be enough resources to create sustainable energy in mass