Persuasive Speech On Breastfeeding

Improved Essays
General Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to persuade.
Specific Purpose: The specific purpose of this speech is to persuade the audience to seek a change to a policy.
Thesis Statement: Tonight I am going to persuade you why the law from Washington that states that you are not allowed to breastfeed in public should be abolished.
Organizational Pattern: The organizational pattern of this speech is problem/solution.


Attention Getter: How many of you have seen the Victoria Secret, Hollister, and other scandalous posters throughout the mall? We all have seen them and just keep walking like no big deal, but when we see a mother breastfeeding her child in public we act like it is a crime.
Thesis Statement: Tonight
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According to Caroline Bologna from the Huffington Post, a mom was shamed for posting a modest picture of her breast feeding on Facebook and she went on to say that pictures of Victoria Secret models are posted all over malls and social media and there is no shame in that. She describes how breastfeeding is a natural process and it should be normalized.
(Transition: Now that I have discussed how the law against breastfeeding causes issues with caring for the child, let’s move on to my second point.

The second problem with the policy causes issues with nurturing their children.
According to there are many benefits from breastfeeding that extend beyond the babies basic nutrition. Breast milk is filled with vitamins and nutrients your baby needs over the first 6 months of their lives and it also helps protect the baby from illnesses.
The audience should want to fix the problem because not allowing mothers to breastfeed their children in public is preventing the children from getting the nutrition they need to survive. According to, a number of heath organizations recommend breastfeeding as the best choice for feeding
…show more content… has a solution to breastfeeding women in public- breastfeeding covers of canopies. It is an easy solution to all of the people who do not like to see breastfeeding in public.
My solution will easily solve the main problems with this law because 1) no one will be able to say that the woman is indecent in public because she will be covered up and 2) the baby will get all the nutrition he or she needs by being able to be breastfed by their mother.
This is the best option available because mothers need to be able to go in public and be able to feed their child at the same time. Yes, mothers can pump their breast milk, but their is a lot of sanitizing and washing that comes with breast pumping and many mothers would rather not have to deal with that.

(Transition: In conclusion, the law against breastfeeding mothers should be abolished because it causes many problems and their is a solution that can

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