Persuasive Essay On The Electoral College

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We the people. This phrase was created to give the people of the United States of America freedom. Freedom to choose, to express how they feel, and the right to vote without the British or unjust governments getting in their way. The right to vote is one that has been fought for for a long time, going over the fact of racial discrimination and gender indifference, when the people vote they expect that the majority vote of their country to be upheld. The Electoral College is in dire need of a morally right change to the people's power to decide by popular vote. Although citizens feel that the power is in their hands, a false sense of independence is being ensued by the lawmakers and government officials. You should discard the electoral …show more content…
The Electoral College has a lot of leeway for mishap, and the majority of people agree. A poll in 2000 by Gallup shows that more than sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that is instated now. This proves that majority vote agrees that the Electoral College should be removed. According to the article What Is the Electoral College? “When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors...the electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are…”(source 1) When you think you are voting for your president, you are actually voting for electors that sometimes go to the statewide election on the off chance they are chosen. This process has been a trainwreck for the people, giving the government more control over who the president will be. In the article The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong, “Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerce...all..agree on … abolishing the electoral college…” (Source 2, Plumer) In the same “vein, faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party’s candidate...” (source 2, par. 11) The electors shockingly can be anyone not holding public office, and the voters can't

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