Some years pass now and we had to move. I now live inland. I was sad to leave the beach and could not see myself waking up without the sound of the ocean, the taste of the salt air or walking outside and "casting a line" every once in a while. I guess that’s just how things go sometimes. I have learned that you can't always get what you want when you want it, but if you work hard and put your mind to it, you can get what you need. I promised myself I would one day move back to the beach, it was my dream to be on the water everyday. …show more content…
I have always seen myself in some sort of law enforcement. One day I was driving and I saw a Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission's vehicle driving and towing an official boat behind him. I remembered how cool it was watching the wardens pull over the boats that were to close to shore and checking the local fisherman for their daily catch to see if they were keeping undersized fish. I pulled my car next to the game warden's truck and he rolled down his window, he looked really cool in his uniform. I asked him "how can I become an officer with the FWC?" He told me to meet him at the coffee shop that his boss is there and I can talk to him about joining if I was really