Soldiers come out with black and yellow impenetrable suits, and were armed with extremely powerful weapons. Everyone one of them has a life crystal sealed on their vest. On the other side, we had no armor and weak weapons, but did have our life crystals on. We all stood frozen just like the ice right beneath us. We all felt the cold, which was unusual because we were so used it, we were almost immune to the cold. The soldiers then turned into a position that made a path for the President of the company, President Skarr. He had this determined, stern, powerful look. Everyone there had goose bumps, including the soldiers. He opens his mouth and says very deeply, “Let’s make a …show more content…
Screams of terror echoed in my ears. Within the smoke I saw my father lying on the ground helpless. I barrel towards him, trying to help him, lying in his tattered coat. Once I get there he only whispers, “To win a war there will be casualties, you know what to do,” as he points to the Helios ship. “I love you,” he says frozen on the ground, surrounded by bloodstained ice, dead. I sprinted around the enemy lines. As I reached the Helios I encountered several guards, defending their forceful ship. One by one I crushed their crystals and proceeded to knock them out to avenge my