Who was Joseph Campbell in the first place. Well Joseph Campbell was a scholar. He studies ancient mythology for many years ,and then came up with the concept The Hero’s Journey. What the Hero’s Journey is that every hero will go through these specific stages to get a reward. The Hero will have tiny rewards leading up to the biggest one of them all.
I don’t think of myself as a hero but I have had encounters like the Hero’s Journey. Like how I left my Ordinary World when I wasn't a football fan ,but I left my comfort zone and played. My call to adventure was when I worked hard during practice and played my first game. My refusal of call was when I did …show more content…
The road back would be next year, everyone got some much bigger so I had to adjust. I couldn't be scared I knew that I would have to be brave. The resurrection was when I thank my parents for encouraging me to, play driving me to practice and coming to my games. Return with the elixir is I still play football and I love doing what I get to do everyday. I am blessed enough that I am still safe and healthy enough to still be playing the game that I love. Football has given me new friends and many new experiences. My life playing football is a lot like the Hero’s Journey because I had many mentors,Test,fallback, and the best of all a