Katniss was born an unusual birth in district 12 of Panem, she was born in one of the most unfavored districts of the 13. Therefore, unlike the other districts, 12 was mostly made up of poor and slums. Even though she had a different call to a particular adventure, Katniss was specialised in a bow, she also hunted for her family and traded so they wouldn't go hungry. She was crossing a big threshold, when she of boarded the bullet train to Panem, she became a different, more brave person in fact. Katniss didn’t know it then, but she was just to experience life changing events in the past few …show more content…
When Katniss shows some of her weaknesses she realises that Peeta teamed up with the Careers. The Careers are like the Hunger Game versions of sparta, they lived their whole lives just to be picked for this moment. They aren’t very easy to fool, kill, and to have an alliance with. Peeta has an alliance with most of them but they don’t trust him. There was an intense fire and it left most of the Careers slower than before and more wounded. Then, they find Katniss nearby, and scares her up a tree. Since everyone in the alliance is wounded they all somehow fail to climb up the tree. The all wait, including Peeta, for the next morning for Katniss to come down. Katniss awakes and finds a tracker jacker nest above the Careers, and Peeta, tracker jackers are engineered wasps made by the capitol to keep people out of restricted areas in Panem. Tracker jackers are very dangerous because they are larger in size and one to two stings from these dangerous creatures can cause deadly hallucinations and more stings can cause to death. By doing this, Katniss and Peeta’s alliance is back