Everyone can say that they always imagined or wanted to look up to someone whether if the person was famous or related to them. Throughout my teenage day I’ve always wanted someone to mentor me and show me things in life that I can one day use in the future years to come. I didn’t want a mentor that was a few years older I always wanted someone that was almost twice my age, maybe even older than me. My mentor that I will be talking about name is James. James and I met at my job throughout my time working there I have worked with many managers.…
In 2013-2014, I was the leader of the tutoring and mentoring organizations within my high school. As a tutor, I volunteered at a local elementary school, helping young students with their homework and projects. I also was a mentor to younger students in my high school, aiding them in their transition by giving them study tips and introducing them to the wide range of extracurricular activities. These roles allowed me realize my passion for helping people and cultivate the interpersonal skills I needed for nursing. In 2014 until now, I am involved in the Canadian Nurses Student Association, which is the national voice for Canadian student nurses.…
My Learning Style My learning style is auditory, it can help me learn because all I have to do is make sure I listen and more than likely I will succeed. Also, this will help me in sports because if I listen, then I will always know what to do. Such as, different plays and my teammates advice. In addition, I already read out loud.…
My junior year in high school, I became a student mentor in our campus’s peer counseling program. This was an incredibly rewarding experience as I had the opportunity to help freshman students assimilate into our high school dynamic. As a peer mentor, I assisted students with personal problems and mediated issues with teachers in order to maximize their learning experience. I also acted as a role model for my mentees by talking frequently about AP and Honors courses and how to be successful in such programs. I put effort into learning about each individual's interests and goals so that I could expose them to clubs and academic courses that they may appreciate such as the Biomedical Academy or our school’s robotics team.…
My graduate experience will be light years different then my undergraduate training. I chuckle just contemplating the technological difference alone. Back when I attended undergraduate school there wasn’t the internet, the LoudCloud, e-books, or personal laptop computers. We thought we were “hot stuff” because we progressed from the slide ruler to a state of the art Texas Interment graphing calculator. By the way google informed me that my particular calculator at that time was the first of its kind.…
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” said Nelson Mandela. When President Obama launched the Young African Leaders Initiative in 2010 to support the emerging generation of African leaders, this was to educate us to change Africa. I believe this Professional Development Experience is intended to give Fellows practical training and the opportunity to learn transferable skills, and apply theories learned in civic leadership classes in the real-world setting. As a leader, I seek to participate actively and productively in the field of global health leadership and health policy and to fill a strategic position in a multinational institution working on promoting health, particularly in Africa.…
I do not plan on transferring as most of my friends have, but I will to push myself to be proud of my decision I have made to stay at BC. I have gained, experience, knowledge, lost, and understand most things that I have been exposed to in my twenty years of life. One goal I have is pass the GKE (General Knowledge Exam). The first step would be to fully understand what the GKE is and what kind of tests I need to do to pass this exam. The second step would be to study as much as possible to ensure a passing score.…
The Hurdles to get Educated Many of us have faced different challenges while pursuing education, and we have struggled with them for the longest time ever. Some of those problem and difficulties might have changed our way of approach after getting an experience to certain situation. The book “Learning to read” autobiography of Malcolm X, written in 1950s in Norfolk Prison discusses the issues he faced while getting himself educated. First year of college is an important step for students as it grants them chance to experience something new, something interesting and helps them to become independent.…
My first year of high school was winding down, teachers had covered all learning material, and most students were preparing for finals. June had just begun, and along with studying, I had an upcoming saxophone recital for which I had been preparing since April. The Tuesday before my recital, I had my second to last lesson with my teacher, Fred Scerbo, before the recital on Sunday. I was preparing a piece by Charlie Parker named "Anthropology". Despite its difficulty, I felt that I would be able to perform it well.…
Several challenges occurred during my college career. I worked throughout the majority of my education to pay for books and tuition. My parents helped with the costs of attending college as well as supporting me when my studies became difficult. The experience of being the first in my family to work towards a bachelors degree meant a lack of guidance and advice. I sought out the advice of an adviser who I have been working with for the past three years.…
My education and work experience has prepared my success for this position in the following ways: it has taught me the required knowledge that is essential for evaluating and applying the appropriate methods to analyze and solve problems. It has taught me how to be efficient and proficient in my work as well as my everyday life. It has taught me how to relate to peers and professors in a professional manner. It has taught me time management and how to be flexible with schedules when needed. It has taught me integrity and pride in my professional and personal life, by teaching me the importance upholding ethical standards.…
Esteban Osorio English 15A Zachary Clough February 18, 2016 A College Student’s Needs 18 million students are enrolled into college every year in the United States. Coincidentally, each student will be required to gain access to the internet as colleges become more technology dependent. With so many different kinds of computers out there, it can be a daunting choice to choose the correct one for their specific needs and that can readily meet their necessities for the years to come as a student. The MacBook Pro was the pc I went with, and it was an excellent choice although there are plenty of other options that are equally as worthy.…
The very first week of class we were given the prompt for the Dear Instructor Letter, and boy did that first assignment open my eyes and change my approach and opinion, very quickly. This assignment gave my peers and me the opportunity to share with you, our biggest concerns about taking this class. I was hesitant because I knew my writing skills had never been very “scholarly”, plus it had been near a…
I started my educational goals just like every other student. I graduated from high school with the ideal that I would accomplish my goals within a short amount of time. I would become rich and live happily ever after. I graduate top of my class and assumed that I would go straight to college to purse my dreams. Although I did not have a defined idea of what I wanted to do in life, I always wanted to help people.…
As a student I believe I do have a essential background, identity, interests, and talents that'd complete my college or job application. Each of us individually have had occurrences, mishaps and dedications that influence our dignitary and fate. Wether a few of them are counteracting or enlightening, the growth of a human mind is unique. My character itself is a vast topic, or it could not be to whom judge a sixteen year old girl. Assumptions can be uncalled for but the actions and mindset of everyone are understandable.…