My response to this selection is that Hornak made right decision, even though it took her long time to realize, but it would be hard for me If I were to change my career. It would be hard for me because I know I spent a lot time to study and it costs me a lot too. But I personally believe that we all need money, but I would also want to pick the major that I would enjoy in and which would make me proud. For instance, I like to help others…
My field experience took place in a public elementary school where I work. I chose to observe two first grade students who are in the same class. One of these students, Zachary, is a seven year old boy who has been identified as “mentally retarded”; however according to Kirk, Gallagher, & Coleman (2015), “today we use the term intellectually and developmentally delayed”. The other student, Joel, is also a seven year old boy who has been identified as being developmentally delayed. During the course of my field experience, Joel was officially labeled as being Autistic.…
Spring semester I was enrolled in Busi 620: Global Economic Environment and Busi 642: Contemp. Issues in Human Resources. Spring semester was very stressful for me dealing with family, work, and medical issues, which caused a negative outcome toward my school work and grades. The first term of the semester in, which I was taking Busi 620, I was going through a lot of obstacles financially with garnishments of my husband and I wages from work, being sick and my children being sick, and my husband grandfather having a brain infection.…
The extent to which I felt the expectations of both the worked based Learning experience and of the site supervisor were accomplished was shown, when I started to create a bond with the guest of the corner table as well as the staff and volunteers. Knowing the staff and site supervisor could count on me to complete the task they asked for me to achieve let me know that the staff knew I was responsible and trustworthy and that would be willing to accept responsibilities. When site supervisor felt that I was capable of a task and I was willing to follow procedures I would be asked to train new volunteers on how to proficiently complete a certain job/task. Getting positive feedback and respect felt like a goal met as it made this program an encouraging…
The last few weeks that I worked at that company were extremely depressing, and my morale took a serious blow. Business was slower than molasses in January, and I had begun scraping the bottom of the barrel just so that I could keep working. I started to make calls from a list I was provided, in order to reach out to certain individuals or companies that could possibly use our free online ad service. Basically, it was like I was working at a call center, except that I wasn’t selling anything. Regardless, most of the people I called misunderstood my call as a sales call, and either hung up on me or just didn’t answer.…
When I walk into a room full of dogs and cats in kennel it smells. I was just about to dump some trash. Suddenly, I heard a rooster was crowing from the back of nowhere, which amazes me because I never thought of a rooster could be on an adoption list. On the way out of the dumpster, they provide a doorstopper in case a volunteer was locking outside. There are two-outdoors areas where they manage and take turns to bring the dog out to do some exercise and we allow going into the cages and playing with these animals.…
While Maria has been in the office slightly longer than me, I feel as though we are experiencing a lot of the same assignments for the first time together which is very helpful. Maria has been very helpful when it comes to questions that I have asked her and she has saved me several times by placing the lunch order on my day when I was in meetings. Jack brings a fun and lightheartedness to the office and made me feel at home from the very beginning. I have worked on a pitch with Jack and he was quite thorough and made sure I completely understood what to do and why we were doing it.…
It was just another day, another day to get to the country club and make some more friends. I woke up around 6:00 o’clock to get ready. I put on my makeup, my red lipstick, and my red dress. I had on white tennis shoes, almost the color of pearls. I walk outside and it seems to be very foggy and gloomy, almost to the point that you can’t see 5 feet in front of your face.…
Throughout the second half of this semester, I spent some time doing Homeschool PE once a week to complete my field experience hours. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this experience, but I ended up really enjoying it. As a whole, over the past eight weeks, I learned how to be a more effective teacher. To begin, I found that dealing with a group of students who are a wide variety of ages isn’t always easy. One strategy that worked great in overcoming this challenge was the use of stations.…
The Exploration of My Education After two months of impatience, the day has finally arrived. All of my waiting has at last paid off. Today is the day when I will be walking through the mysterious doors of Portage High School. As I walk out onto my porch on this warm August morning, I gaze down the street to see a yellow mass hurdling towards me at a dangerous pace. Gradually, it begins to slow down until it is motionless in front of my home.…
I received my bachelor degree in Human Services. I enjoyed the program and the friendships that have developed as a result of going through this program. I have met some amazing individuals there. Work History. I started working at 13 years-old as a custodian helper at my school.…
When I first walked into Ms. Sampson office I was really nervous making it to her office a few minutes early to her office. Once I arrived I asked how her day has been so far and she responded very good so far so then the interview started. Ms. Sampson is currently the Program Director of revenue development of University of Houston Department of Athletics. Prior to arriving there she was an account executive with Indiana University during the 2006-07. Which she was responsible for sponsorship fulfillment and planned and executed all hospitality events for Football and Men’s Basketball games.…
I was born into a family where money seems to be the one thing that we are missing to make our dream real. My mom came to this country for a better life. She has traveled a long way in order to see her children have a better life and not have to struggle like she did. When she settled down I was in her stomach while she works in places that accepted people with no documentation to this country. My mother has struggled with money since the moment she was born.…
I think, one of the greatest parts of the work world, is meeting the people that work around me. This is also the number one reason a job can be miserable for some people. I have experienced all three of the “single-overlap” problems so I know hoe each one feels and in some cases how to get out of them. People all over the world struggle with the three elements listed in Ms. Dorothy Sayers saying. While it is true that a few get more opportunities than most, I always have believed that you make life the way you want it.…
This semester I had my first work experience related to my field of study. I interned with Morningstar which is an independent provider of investment research, financial information on mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds and multiple saving plans (Morningstar 2016). Morningstar’s mission is to provide software, reliable information on its investing site, online and print-based products for individual investors, professional advisors and institutional clients. It has offices in 27 countries including North America, Australia, Asia and Europe (Morningstar 2016). One of the Morningstar offices is located in Central Business District in Sydney on 36 and 37th floors.…