I still remember it like it was yesterday. The sun was beaming as bright as a diamond. As I walked to my parents house remembering the memories that were beheld in this very house. I went into my parent’s bedroom and took out the wooden box that contained my great grandfathers’ designs for the Colosseum. I went over to the kitchen and took the key that was attached …show more content…
He came close enough for us to see the details on his face. My friend and I were puzzled at the fact that a man had so much patience to stare at us for hours without saying a word. All the man said was, “Could I help you?” We kindly accepted his request and now we had three people working on this beautiful building. It was hard to picture my dream coming true. As the days continued more people offered to help build the Colosseum. Before we knew it we had been working on the Colosseum for 5 years! The Colosseum was halfway done and I was surprised to see how fast things were moving. By this rate we might be done building in 5 years! There was one day that was exceptionally memorable. It was extremely hot and the concrete was chunky and was not becoming smooth. As I started feeling more and more exhausted, and ready to give up on my dream, I remembered that I was doing this for my great grandfather. On the same day , while carrying some heavy supplies , my back gave out and I was rushed to aid. I had to stay home and rest for two weeks in order for my back to recover. I was anxious to do work and on the last day I knew that I was going to complete building the Colosseum one way …show more content…
Everyone has a wish. Everyone a desire to succeed. Your dream although may not always seem realistic, you must remember to be persistent and to never give up, even of times of hard