My hands trembled violently like an earthquake had just struck and my heart kept beating faster and faster eager to know if the winner would be me. I had waited eighteen long years to finally be old enough and now that I am finally the right age, I don’t want to lose what I have waited for so long. Since my childhood, everyone has been saying that I was unlucky and wherever I would be destiny would never be on my side. I never believed in such things and always told them that even though only …show more content…
Finally it was the third day. Returning day. The day started out great as I woke up and got ready and headed out to breakfast. Then the day’s fun started and life began to seem better. As evening approached and the restless wind blew, I decided to go up all the way to the top deck and take a walk. This would of been a perfect plan, if only it was sunny and there were people around. As I stood near the railing gazing out into the beautiful ocean, a strong gust of wind blew, knocking down some chairs. Then more came. I was about to leave when a wind of great strength blew and caused my scarf to blow away. Chasing after it I ran all the way to the side of the boat an almost caught it when the ship started shaking with great force and I fell to the other side of the railing. Grasping the railing with all my strength I tried to get back on the ship. Suddenly my whole world blacked out and I went into what felt like a long …show more content…
Finding some fallen logs and leaves, I built myself a hut-like house and decided to take a nap. That night my sleep was restless. Dreams of my childhood came to me and showed how others would tease me, how I would sit in the corner and cry, and how soon my mother would come and take me home, while kids laughed. I woke up abruptly and sat on the rock. Tears poured out of eyes like rain from a stormy sky. I tried to stop them, but my heart wouldn't allow. I knew crying wouldn’t do any good and decided to take a walk, hoping to calm my mind from the miserable