Personal Narrative: A Personal Interview

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I remember my sister Mary telling me, “I want you to take these classes so it can prepare you in the future, you have the opportunity to take these and learn what I should have learned, but we all learn from our mistakes, I just want you to make good life decisions and be proud of you.” (Salazar, Mary. Personal interview.August 2012). At first I did not know what my sister was talking about. When I was a freshman at Blackfoot High School, my sister was pregnant at age sixteen. Being a teen mom at her age is one of the most exhausting stages in a person's life. I did not judge my sister decision, she did the right thing keeping her baby and achieving her goals by graduating high school and receiving her certification in Dental Assisting. My …show more content…
I began learning skills that help me at home with my family. It improved my skills in cooking. At first it was not easy learning how to put all the ingredients together and trying to become the best cooks in my class. My dad would always tell me that I would become a great cook one day, I took his kinds words and became confident in cooking. “A way to win a man's heart is through his stomach.” (Salazar,Juan. Personal Interview. August 2012). By understanding and Mrs. Lucker's skills and my dads I learned how to cook varieties of foods. I enjoy cooking ever since, and I will keep improving on my cooking skills. While I was still learning about the basic strategies of teen living, during mid-terms, Mrs. Lucker showed us a video of four teenage high school couples. They had the opportunity live the life as teen parents. Let me tell you it was one heck of a ride. They were about to learn the responsibility and sacrifices of a child. It was not simple, you might think it is just like babysitting. It was hard for them to stay focused one teen parent taking of care the child all day, while the other working and making money to support them. It was not straightforward for them when the child's parents discussed on what their miscommunications were. Sadly to say out of the strong four couples, only one stayed …show more content…
I built a positive understanding of children's development and growth of parenting skills. This helped me communicate, assistant, and direct being a teacher assistant. My first trimester of childcare I had to experiences two month being a student teacher at Irving Kindergarten Center. My first week went very productive. I was able to experience different lifestyle of kindergarten kids. When that was over, preschool at Blackfoot high school began. This class was hands on with three to four and five to six year old children. While running and organizing children’s activities every student was assigned with a lesson

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