The tornado was still in the town while we were stuck stranded. It was about time for us to eat. I only had some insulators. Howard brung 2 cans of spinach and 2 cans of spaghettios. I offered water and he offered food so we needed each other. As we sat and ate our supper I heard thunder and lighting so I checked my phones weather. An severe weather alert was sent to my phone stating that a tornado was heading our way and bigger in size, shape, and distance.
We rushed and finished our food before it got close. I finished first so I went to get the bikes off of the hill and I saw someone trying to take them. He looked like a homeless person who had baggy clothes on. My phone started to make a loud noise as he lashed at me with kicks and punches. To defend myself I brung my custom made athame. I quickly grabbed it out of my backpack and slashed him. He fell straight to the ground. I took the bike and ran. I had very little time. We got back on the road toward an Washington D.C. Our adventure continued, Howard stated that he was tired of pedaling and riding. We decided to find a car in the small town. As we entered the town it was empty. It was like a ghost town but then we saw maybe 5 people in the side house. They had lots of Gm’s so I hot wired one. We drove on out towards Washington D.C. I used the global positing system on my phone to map out Washington D.C. I said that was to far so we should just go to Georgia to stay with my mom till it passed. Before we knew it, their was a long journey. I thought I had finally reached big obstacles that my dad told me about. First we had to change our direction from east to south-east which was a big problem for Howard. Then we ran into big, will let's just say a common criminal 6 hours into the trip out of 8. When we ran into those horrible criminals they wanted something specific from Howard. I don't know them but have heard of them. This is one of the reasons I didn't want to go their but I needed safety. He had someone with him, a gang of people with orange shirts tied around their legs. I'm pretty sure its an gang, I was right howard screamed “Peach Shavers”! We couldn't drive over them but Howard was determined to. We had to fight or run. I took 2 and Howard took the other 2. I slashed one with a knife but I was hit with something. I got up and slammed him into the ground. While the my 2 opponents were on the ground I called 911 and sneaked up on one