I didn’t score high enough in my SAT exam so I was put in this class automatically; quickly after this course began I could already see an improvement in my writing. Being brought up in Ireland I knew that the transition between English there and English in America would have been a lot different. The way our education system works is a lot different from here meaning that I haven’t actually studied any form of English in the past three years, I knew this semester would be a completely new learning experience for me. The last time I studied English was at a grammar school in the town which I was brought up in. Being a student as this grammar school required taking two different types of English; I chose to focus on English language and …show more content…
English language focused on more reading and comprehensions while English literature focused on learning about writers and poems. I found that there were a few major differences which I had to adjust to since being here such as the spelling of words, a lot of words in America are spelt differently, some examples include "favor" spelt without a "u", "theater" without an "er" instead of an "re", "aluminium" as "aluminum” and "sulfur" with an "f" and not a "ph". Another major difference was the use of dual quotation marks to finish a quotation, and solo quotation marks if you need to include another quotation inside the first quotation. The way I learned was the completely different than the American way. All this being said I have enjoyed the learning experience and challenges set and I believe I am going to get better and more confident as a writer as