Freshman year.
I moved to Texas after living in Illinois for over 6 years. I moved frequently, but the only things that really changed were the school I was in and the people I was with. Even then, Bloomington was only about 2 hours away from Naperville; going back for a visit wouldn't be too much of an issue. This move was different. Texas has a different culture from Illinois: Different ideas of fun, different events, even a different dialect, and accent. It was a completely different community, and I was unaware of how to handle it. I was frustrated.
Frequently moving and changing the community I was in is what changed me into who I am today. Moving to a new state with a different culture, I learned how to adapt to new situations. Adapting to a new community meant making new friends. I naturally got along with people, so friends weren't too much of an issue. My ability to get along with people helped me work well in teams, and I learned that compromising was an efficient solution to problems we might face in a group, and taking every idea into consideration helped make a project the best it could be. …show more content…
I had a small friend group and got used to the dialect and culture of Texas. I was still a little frustrated about the move, but I adjusted. I got a job at Kumon as a math and reading grader and tutor. Now, I was having to balance between work and school, which was difficult at first, but I was lucky that my school schedule seemed to magically be built so that work wouldn't be an obstacle.