Personal Narrative: My Assault Charge

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I had caught an assault charge in middle school, I was in Juvey for a couple days. Then I went home, after getting put on a short probation.

About 4 years later, everything started to collapse. I had another assault charge put against me. Someone had spit on me, so I pinned them against a wall by their throat. I immediately let go, because I was about to black out.

I knew what was about to happen, I had dealt with the police before. As they arrive, I had my thoughts together and was calm. While the other person was in a distorted mindset. I know that I was in the wrong, but they were also in the wrong too. They were threatening me, over something silly. Also, spitting on someone is an assault. So, yeah, they had assaulted me, too.

A couple police officers had arrived, they told me to stand next to their vehicle. I did so, calmy, and they went to question the adult. I actually felt like they were on my side. As one officer winked at me, with a friendly expression. As the officer's were wrapping things up, I had mentally prepared my story.
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The officer was accusative and biased, which made me feel offended.

I felt like everything I said was immediately discarded and that there was nothing I could do. Which makes sense, as I was just a minor. The officer looked up my record, and I'm sure he found a few cases. He asked if I carrying any weapons, then he checked to make sure. He had asked me to put my hands behind me back, then he pulled out the handcuffs. I was under arrest for 'Assault By Deadly Contact, Causing Bodily Injury'. I wasn't even told my Miranda rights.

I was just told that I was lucky to have Juvey, because I comitted a felony and I'd be spending a year in prison, if I was older. I was also harassed by the officer, because I had remained silent throughout the car

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