that afternoon we met up at Nicks and started to pack up our longboards and skateboards then headed in to town. we reached down town and started to unpack our boards in the back of a Tim Hortons. We skated at different spots in town like in front of this restaurant but they told us to leave so we were running out of good spots to go to. as we were cruising on the side Thomas said “hey we should go to the elementary school to skate in the parking lot.” We all agreed that it was a good idea, it took us about ten minutes to reach the school. This was going to be fun the cement was as smooth as silk and there were curbs and other obstacles to do tricks on. Thomas was actually not that bad at skateboarding me on the other hand i couldn't do much I just liked to cruise around. After a while we decided to take a break, Nick loves to shoot and edit videos so we started to talk over some ideas for a new film to shoot, while we were talking we went to the schools park to swing on the swing set and mess around on the park. jokingly I said “hmmm, I feel we could get on top of the school” right after i said that it became the goal of my friends and I to get up there, we got up and started walking around the school to find a way up but we weren't having too much luck on a possible way up. we headed towards the back of the school where we found the schools air system, it was surrounded by a fence so we used the fence to our advantage and climbed it to the top of the roof. once we got up to the there were ladders that we climbed to get on to the highest point of the building, when we got to the top we all felt accomplished. Nick climbed down to take pictures of us and we were playing catch with a lacrosse ball we found on the building and having a good …show more content…
we rushed to the fence to climb down to join our friend. when we turned the corner there they were staring right at us.
one of the officers yelled over at us “whats up roof climbers”
at this point I didn't have butterflies i had full grown eagles in my stomach, i had never been so nervous in my life. when we reached them the one of the cops said
“people go up there and vandalize the schools air vents, we could take you to court for trespassing.”
We tried to explain to them that we weren't breaking anything up there, but they still asked us for our parents phone numbers and addresses. after they wrote down our information they told us to get in to the cop cars. Thomas and I were put in one cop car and Nick and Cam were put in the other. It was embarrassing to be in that cop car especially when we drove passed people.
After the cop dropped Thomas off it was my turn. when we arrived at my house my step dad and mom were waiting. the cop started talking to them talking about the situation, when randomly my mom