Personal Narrative: Marching Band Memoir

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Memoir Rough Draft

While everyone starts to complain about school starting, I was already at school before August for marching band. Day in and day out, all of us worked our hardest, having fun, helping out, and getting to know each other well. It was hot, many times over a hundred degrees, although sometimes it felt worse, as if we were getting baked in the warm sun rays. However, we were there for a purpose, and we all shared a common goal, a dream, to become better as a marching band. Of course we were exhausted, after long hours, but I owe my life to band for making me who I am. With a whistle around my neck and two friends by my side, I was never more proud than being a drum major for the Clark band. There is no place that made me more joyful than in the band hall, and outside on the podium, seeing months of improvement in front of me. The Clark band will always have a special place in my heart, giving me pleasant memories, and most importantly, two new best friends, that I am proud to call my fellow drum majors. The best moment that I have experienced in marching band was last year at Wylie Invitational, our final marching contest. It was six o’clock on a Saturday morning. The air was crisp and fresh, as it surrounded me. The sun looked down at us jubilantly as the wind whispered a sweet breeze. Everyone
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Throughout a difficult semester of challenges, the band hall served as my haven. It was my home, and I would never regret the time spent there. Whether it was just hanging out with friends, or doing homework, there was always something special in the band hall. Everyone was open, friendly, and helpful, and they always supported me when I was down, or when no one else would be there for me. I have made lifelong memories and friendships that have been created there. All day I look forward to the hour of playing with passionate musicians all around me, and learning more about something truly

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