“Hello. I’m doctor Tooey and I will be performing surgery on you today.” He said. “Danny? Danny? Is that you?” I asked but thinking it couldn’t be him since he spoke
“Yes it is. I’m sorry to ask but, Who are you?” he asked.
“It's me Danny! From seventh grade …show more content…
“Ok, that's good news I thought something was wrong,” I said. A little bit later Danny came in and said “My x-ray looked fine, but I was still stuck there because there could be other complications from the surgery we don’t know about yet.” We then had lunch and it was one of the best days of my life, I felt so happy with him. It was hard to think about that he had a girlfriend. He brought me back to my room. “I really really do like you, but I have a girlfriend and I need to decide where my heart is.” he said to me.
“I’ll be waiting” I said with lots of hopes he was going to pick me.
Once he left a nurse came into my room and said “There might have been a heart complication during the surgery, but it should be fine, it’s nothing major.” I nodded my head like I was fine but inside I was very scared. Danny got back to the hospital and was going into my room when he walked in to tell me he loved me all her heard was my machine flatlining and the room was empty of