During the summer after my fifth grade school year had ended, I went on one of the worst camping trips in my life. It was sometime during the 2nd week of June. I was looking forward to this trip because all of my family was going. I mean everyone was going, my grandma & grandpa, my aunts & uncles, and my cousins. The year before not many of my family went, so that’s why I was looking forward to this camping trip. So once my family got ready to leave the house, my mom called our grandma and said “Where on our way there. We’ll call back once we get to Salem.” So after my Mom called, we left the house and headed on down to Salem, MO. Once we got there we stopped and got something to eat. After we finished our food, we got back …show more content…
We were all sitting by the fire and talking to each other for a while. By that time It was almost 11:00 PM so we all said our good nights and headed of to bed. We all got in our tent, all four of us. Once we all were laying in our mattresses and sleeping, that's when the rain and thunder started. It was also windy, so that made it worse. It maybe rained for 2 hours almost 3, there was light rain at some points. It kept me up of coarse, but not necessarily everyone else. The worst thing about this storm coming through is that the rain literally went through our tent. It also got most of our clothes, blankets, and sheets wet. There were also puddles of rainwater in our tent. So we had take everything out of the tent and soak up all the water with a sponge. We also had to take our clothes to a laundromat back in town. Everything about this was basically declining as a fun camping trip. Well there was nothing we could do, we all just had to clean up everything. The day basically went by pretty quickly. All I ever did our first day there was ride my bike and look at the river. The Jacks Fork River was way up, almost to the point of getting to the campground. That was basically a sign of what was to …show more content…
We had ate dinner around 8:30 that nite. It was getting cloudy again and I could already tell it was going to rain again. We had already prepared for this because we had put some water proof spray on our tent and we put tarps over our tent. So now we didn’t have to worry, but of course, that didn’t matter. It was maybe 12:00 am when it started to rain again. It was very windy and the lightning kept getting more intense. The rain got into our tent again and there was nothing we could do about it. The storm kept me up again because I don’t really see how can stay asleep while wind is moving the tent around, the raging thunder, and the pounding rain. Thankfully, the beginning of the storm passed by fast and the, wind, thunder, and rain died down. The storm wasn’t over though, it rained on and off most of the night, sometimes light and sometimes heavy. It was terrible, but I managed to fall asleep. When day approached, it was still raining and everything was worse than before. All of our clothes got wet again, so we couldn’t change into new clothes. The tent was practically ruined, it was drenched in rainwater and full of it also. We thought how could things get any worse, but then the worse actually happened. The park rangers came around telling everyone that we need to leave because the river was coming up over it's banks. It wasn’t just us here at the campground, but there were tons of other people here camping. The other