Eighty percent of Cuba is forest, and they're relatively untouched -not harmed- by the people in the area, besides the never ending trails connected by all of them. When I was eight I got my first dirt bike for my birthday. I was ecstatic, and immediately wanted to ride it on the trails behind the camp house. I rode from sunup to sundown for two weeks straight. I learned every tree, branch, and turn on those trails, I was so confident I could've sworn I new them like the back of my hand. I would do time trials trying to beat my all time best time, or race my dad on the four wheeler. When I was in the woods I wasn't scared, or alone, I was
Eighty percent of Cuba is forest, and they're relatively untouched -not harmed- by the people in the area, besides the never ending trails connected by all of them. When I was eight I got my first dirt bike for my birthday. I was ecstatic, and immediately wanted to ride it on the trails behind the camp house. I rode from sunup to sundown for two weeks straight. I learned every tree, branch, and turn on those trails, I was so confident I could've sworn I new them like the back of my hand. I would do time trials trying to beat my all time best time, or race my dad on the four wheeler. When I was in the woods I wasn't scared, or alone, I was