Personal Narrative: A Career As A Speech Pathologist

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In a few short months, I will be entering the exciting atmosphere of college. I will live too far away from my home church to go weekly and I will not be living with my family. I have a lot of friends who are completely thrilled to go away for college. I live in a small town and everyone talks about how anxious they are to leave. Until a few weeks ago, I was terrified to start this new chapter in my life. People would ask me constantly “What are your future plans? Where are you going to school? What do you plan to study?” For several months, I felt attacked when people would ask me these questions that were keeping me up at night. Furthermore, God had not spoken to me. He hadn’t given me any direction yet. Speaking to a family friend who works as an administrator, my Dad mentioned to her his interest for me to be a speech pathologist. She contacted me and set up an opportunity to job shadow and for the first time I felt called. After job shadowing, I was very enthusiastic to become a speech pathologist in an elementary school because it combined everything I loved, the ability to work with kids and make a difference. God …show more content…
Being the oldest of four siblings, my family of six is big, but close knit. I’m nervous to leave behind my sister whose two years younger than me because after sharing a room for many years we are almost inseparable. I know my little brother won’t admit to missing me, but I know he’ll miss going out to eat and making music together. My baby sister whose now 11 and not really a baby anymore, is going to be in middle school next year and I’m heartbroken that I won’t be at home for this time in her life. I’ll miss watching movies with my family and playing games with them. I’ll yearn to be with my family, they’ve made me the person I am. I won’t revel in being away from my family, but I have to go to college so I can achieve the goal of becoming a speech

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