I have been volunteering at Medway Community Primary School for the past three years and have learned different teaching styles and techniques from observing teachers in various year groups. I have picked on certain factors such as using hand gestures to portray emotion which also helps children associate words with the given hand gestures. I have also learned how to use my tone of voice to the best of my ability whilst around the children, whether this is in a positive way through showing excitement or in a firm way to display disappointment. I also picked up on the introduction of play within the …show more content…
I chose this module because I am aware of The National Curriculum which highlights that teachers should take into account different race, disability, sex, religion or beliefs. I have also taken different modules such as the development of the individual child, which have enhanced my understanding of external factors which influence a child’s learning. I have good curriculum knowledge and have GCSE’s in English, Maths and Science. Primary school teachers are expected to teach all aspects of the curriculum and alongside my qualifications I love swimming, cooking, arts and crafts which are extra- curricular activities in the primary