I mentioned earlier that my seventh grade English, to be specific, teacher influence myself to become a teacher. I realized how she taught her students and engaged them in learning, and ever since then I have took note to how all my teachers teach so I could prepare myself for my future. I always love helping my younger peers with their homework and playing the imaginary game “School” with my brothers and friends. I would declare myself as the teacher and make up imaginary lessons to teach, but lessons that would reflect what I was currently learning or what my pretend students were learning in their true classrooms at school. I want to …show more content…
I have partaken in many education courses and I have learned a great deal in these courses to help me be a successful teacher for my teaching career. There are some teachers that will tell you the truth about teaching and some are reluctant of the truth, but all my instructors have one thing in common that they have announced that teaching has amazing benefits, not the kind of benefits for example insurance, but life benefits for instance children’s learning process and the face students have when you impact there learning. Some teachers explains the pros and cons of teaching, overall what I have learned in education courses has affected my decision of becoming a teacher in a positive