Bluefin Tuna Research Paper

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Japan has the largest seafood market in the world. Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market is the largest fish market in japan and is a billion-dollar industry. In the CBS News article, “A Tour of Tokyo's Largest fish market”, the author states, “[The] island nation of Japan has less than two percent of the world's population, but consumes 10 percent of the world's fish.” Japan consumes a lot of fish because logically they are an island surrounded by water. Many nations are accused of overfishing, but Japan's overfishing has caused the population of tuna (especially the Bluefin tuna) to decrease. Tuna populations have been decreasing due to overfishing since the 70's but overfishing has had the worst effect on the Bluefin Tuna. The Bluefin tuna population …show more content…
The West Atlantic Bluefin migrate to the Pacific Ocean located in Japanese water, so they get caught before they can migrate back to their original waters. Japan has cut back its quota on Bluefin and they are using patrol boats to stop illegal fishing since they have admitted to overfishing. To increase the population Japanese and Australian scientist have been trying to find a way to domesticate the Bluefin Tuna to breed them to increase the population. They have Bluefin in tuna bins in the ocean, but these bins containing 250 Bluefin Tuna increases the demise of them because if one is sick, the rest can get infected. “Japanese scientists at Kinki University have already hatched bluefin tuna from eggs and raised them to breeding age in the laboratory but not on the commercial scale,” according to "The Bluefin in Peril," by Richard Ellis. With Japanese scientist trying to breed Bluefin Tuna it might be able to decrease overfishing. If Bluefins are breed like cattle, then fisherman would not overfish since the price of Bluefin Tuna would drastically decrease. Japan's overfishing has had impactful consequences that have affected the Bluefin Tuna populations across all oceans around the

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