Nursing Career

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Career and College Research Paper The career I chose to do is nursing. Nurses are (RNs) who “provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members.” (Summary). They, also, handle medications and administer shots. I chose this career when I was nine years old. Back then, my dad was bit by a dog and came through the front door bleeding pretty bad. My mom wanted to take him to the emergency room, but he refused to go. He felt like we would frivolously spend money on something that could be tended to at home. My dad had an immense amount of bleeding that he was starting to look a little lethargic. He asked …show more content…
The school is within 30 minutes away located in Shawnee, Oklahoma and is a easy commute. The entrance requirements are a 20 on the ACT and at least a 3.0 high school GPA. The tuition is at least $23,940 a year without books and room and board. “Oklahoma Baptist net price is 25% less than the national average, and 99% full-time freshmen receive tuition assistance.” (Affordability and Value). “Oklahoma Baptist University offers a B.S. degree to become a registered nurse.” (Bailey). A four year course study plan is available to stay on track and graduate within a four year period. There are “130-131 semester hours needed to obtain a B.S. degree in nursing.” (Oklahoma Baptist University College of Nursing Plan of Study). It usually takes takes the full four years to obtain the degree as a full-time …show more content…
When I turned about twelve, my grandmother had a litter of kittens born. One of them was a black and white kitten with long hair. She was beautiful. My mom said that I could have her when she was old enough to live without nursing off of her mom, but the kittens started to disappear during the night one at a time. We were not sure if the coyotes were getting them or if it was something else, but I did not want something to happen to my kitten. My mom took the young kitten, and we thought we would try bottle feed her. Every two hours, we took turns feeding the young kitten. It was a lot of work, but in the end, the kitten survived, and it was all worth it. Caring for this kitten made me realize again that nursing was just the job that I need to do when I grow

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