Being in the medical field can be difficult. Ever since I could remember I wanted to be a doctor. As I got older, I realized being a doctor would take a lot more work then what I thought. I began researching what was the next best thing to a doctor, a registered nurse is what I had found. A registered nurse helps patients, maintains medical records, and takes care of the plans. Working with people and knowing that they are getting better because of me gives me the feeling nothing else could. Researching the education, the salaries, and examining my career goals is all very important for my future.
A nurse works in many different places which include: hospitals, physicians office, home health care services, and nursing care facilities. Nurses work in shift at a hospital, they are always open 24 hours. Clinics are 12 hour shifts for each nurse. Home health care services just depend on how many care the patient needs. Nurses are needed world-wide, They are important to the world. On a typical day a nurse starts their day by getting reports from the previous nurse on the shift. They care for wounds, perform physical care on patients with other nurses. Nurse check the patient’s vitals and make sure the charts are correct. Since doctors do not have time to call every patient, the nurses sometimes help out by calling the patients to set the appointments. Beth Anne Schwamberger says “Usually nervous other duties need to be performed depending on the specific patients for whom you’re caring for.” (Summary). Nurses is very toil and the pay does show they are important. When nurses are first starting out they make anywhere from $20.75- $34.47, with hourly tips of $0.24-$8.22. Nurse also make a little bit of overtime which starts at as $12.54-$50.98. The total pay of a beginning nurse would be $43,449-$73,990 annually. When nurses get experience the pay goes up to $24.56-$44.32 hourly with $4.24 hourly tips. The annually total could be from $50,154-$93,890. A CNA has the same pay level as a nurse does. CNA make $18,642-$30,490 annually at entry level. With experience CNA’s make $20,251-$34,665 annually. The employment for 2014 was 2,751,000 people in the US. There are 690,038 a Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in the US. 9.1% of nurses are men and 7.6% LPN are men, 18.3% LPN are 30 years old or younger. 44.6 is the average of a nurse, 14.8 RN are younger than 30. 85% of RN are employed in nursing. 63% nurses work in hospitals. The prediction for the future of employment is 3,190,300. Florida salary for nurses is about $29.70 and approximate $61,780 annually (Nursing Statistics). Being able to speak many different languages would help you greatly being a nurse, you would be able to communicate a lot easier with people. Having empathy for your patients is part of your personality, you never know what they might be going through or how they feel about everything. Socializing is a big part, you need to be able to talk to your patients. You have to be able to tell them what is wrong with them, you can not be accosted. You need to be completely honest with patients, covering anything up will just make it worse for the patients. They need to know everything that is wrong …show more content…
The GPA is to get in is a 3.59. You will need to take as much math and science as you possibly can. Some of the requirement to get into medical school is a year of biology , a year of physics, a of English, and two years of chemistry. You also must have labor experience, computational skills/ mathematics, analytical and writing skills/expository writing, and language.
I set out to finish high school and become a nurse, I would like to be more than nurse. I set out to get the best grades I can. I plan on reaching my goals by study a lot and bringing my grades up. I want to do the best I can, other push me to do my very best I can. Others believing in me helps me push myself knowing that others believes I can make it, makes me believe on days it gets hard that I can do it. Everyone around me helps me from my teachers to my friends. Knowing that I will be the first grandkid in my family to go to college and become a nurse makes me so