• Update Capgemini & Cognizant invoice tracking files on a daily basis. You can refer to these updated files to help determine what items need to be re-accrued or which prior period accruals can be released.
• Review the P9 JE tracker to ensure that all ZA accruals booked in P9 are auto reversed properly. ZA entries that are not automatically reversed will need to be manually reversed using T-code ZRFB05REV.
• Run the KSB1 for the maintenance accounts daily during TRACS & SAP close weeks to see if we have SW contracts that are $120k or more. If there are items that meet this $120k threshold, we will need to book a journal to move the expenses to the prepaid account 1439100 and amortize them over the life of the contracts. Send TS team an email communication to confirm start and end dates. And update the prepaid schedule accordingly.
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Ensure to update each TAF entry in the TAF adjustment Excel file. Please be mindful to properly fill in all columns accordingly. Do not leave blank rows and ensure that the supporting backup for each of the TAF entries is properly labeled in accordance with the serial number of the TAF adjustment Excel file.
• Ensure to prioritize your journals accordingly. Work on the recurring accruals first before you process the non-recurring ones. Ensure to check the KSB1 for overhead payments before you re-book the cost center re-accruals and check the CJI3 for payments related to projects accruals. As you finished posting each journal, make to update the JE tracker